Piece for school by me
for Orchestra 
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A piece i wrote in e minor tht my teacher told me we could play in school.


Add to favorites Posted 16 years ago

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9 comments on this file  Post comment
Thanks. I'm gladyou like my piece. The porgrm i use is Finale 2008 with GPO sounds. And thanks very much for the idea name.
16 years ago

that's my sig
16 years ago

Nice song, and i would like to know what program you use. Also, for a name how about, "Whisper of the Wind"? =þ
16 years ago

okey, there are the new songs, Cel (alone) and Ahuicpa (without way)
please comment
16 years ago

lol. awesome i cant wait to listen to them!
16 years ago

your school have orchesta? wow this is great, my school only have piano lol (im homeschooling) but the conservtorio in my city have the rare ensamble. i'll post soon 3 new songs, to de new: "new mexican neoretronacionalism"

16 years ago

lol. Thank you so much. by the way, I LOVE BEETHOVEN!! haha
16 years ago

God! nice! so nice! so good! exelent! sounds like beethowen (hahaha, i dont like beethowen, but sound great)
Mmm, maby u can call it: " landscape in the nigth " mmm, or " the night road " mmm, o simply, " orchesta moment in e " lol
Nice work.
16 years ago

and if anybody has any ideas for names of this piece please let me know. i am no good at comeing up with names.
16 years ago

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