Cody Cordova : The Crimson Trial (Fordragon's Duet with Death)

The Crimson Trial (Fordragon's Duet with Death) by Cody Cordova
for Violin Duet 
 3 votes,   Average: 4   Plays: 5996

The famous Fordragon pushed on his journey as he made it out of the center of the Earth. Alas his efforts were in vein. A giant boulder crushed him on his way out. While his spirit was dragged to Hell, he told Death, "If I play you a beautiful melody will you let me roam the Earth again free?" Death gave in to his plead and took out his violin. Together the two played a wonderful duet. They say the demons in Hell heard the song and transcribed it onto a rock, which archeologists found today and that's how the song was made.

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