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aka Jerald Archer
Member Since: 31 Mar 2008
Status:   Registered Member
Points: 216 points
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Jerald Franklin Archer (1964- )
Violin/Fiddle Player, Vocalist,Teacher and Composer

Began playing violin in elementary school.

Graduated Warren Central High School, Indianapolis, Indiana. Performed with Orchestra and Chamber Ensemble. Performed in various church and social functions. Studied with Private Teacher. Participated in America’s Youth in Concert European Tour, July 1983. Began studying rudiments of Musical Composition.

Attended Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
Majored in Music Education with a minor in Violin Performance. Bachelor`s Degree, Liberal Arts, 1986.
Member of the Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Ensemble, Opera/Theatre Orchestra and the Colligium Musicum. Takes lessons in classical guitar, piano and vocals.
Performed with Bluegrass and Classic Country groups.

Performs professionally in Classic Country band. Composes “The Country Fiddle-Player” a collection of original tunes for fiddle players. Writes country/gospel songs.
Begins to teach.

Moves to Las Vegas to promote musical career. Performs in numerous casinos and clubs as guest artist.

Returns to Indianapolis and performs regularly with various band of all styles. Teaches occasionally. Participates in band/talent contests, weddings, fairs and private functions. Composes “The Garden of Harmony, Op. 1”and 12 Preludes for Organ, Op. 2.

Performing and teaching.


Jerald Franklin Archer was born in Kentucky in 1964. Shortly afterwards he lived in Indianapolis, Indiana where he began to study the violin at the age of nine as part of an elementary school program. Later, in High School he studied privately with several symphonic violinists who prepared him for University studies. Mr. Archer later studied at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana as a Music Education major with a minor in violin performance. Here he also undertook personal studies in Theory and Composition as well as Folk Music studies and Music History, in particular the authentic performances of the Baroque and Classical Eras. After college, Mr. Archer began his professional career in performing with various bluegrass and classic country bands in Indianapolis as well as private concerts of Classical Music for weddings and corporate affairs. He has won various awards for his violin/fiddle playing. Other musical opportunities took him to various parts of the United States, including performing in many venues and casinos in Las Vegas and Nashville. He has enjoyed his musical career for over 23 years. In 2001 Mr. Archer undertook to write a collection of keyboard music entitled "The Garden of Harmony, Op. 1". This work included 36 short pieces, or Contra-Dances based on original fiddle tunes he had jotted down for 15 years. The original title was "The Country-Fiddle Player" which was written for the melody line alone. Online, he offers a free work, 12 Preludes for Organ, Op. 2, Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mr. Archer currently lives in Indianapolis and is active in both violin performance, composition and teaching.

Baroque and Classical Era Music, Composition, Bluegrass and Classic Country Music, Catholic Church Apologetics, Esoteric Philosophy, Classical Art, 18th and 19th Century Literary Studies.