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aka Siobhan
Member Since: 11 Apr 2006
Status:   Registered Member
Points: 6 points
Instruments Played:
About Me
Hello, my name is Siobhan, I am currently a senior in high school and I play the clarinet in the symphonic band and am a soloist in the jazz band (also did marching band last fall). I am principle chair, have been for three years, and I will be majoring in music this fall when I head off to COLLEGE. Yay :) It will be challenging but I am looking forward to it. I think I will specialize in the performance area, but I might do some more years for music ed... I also dance, sing in the hs choir, and play varsity volleyball. Bottom line, I love music- it keeps me going every day and I just couldn`t do without it!
Playing the Clarinet of course!! Annndd listening (and dancing) to many kinds of music.... and lots of other interesting things!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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