getting started

getting started    01:43 on Friday, December 5, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi all, Just got here and wondered how to get started.
I dont as yet have any sheet music in digital format but have got years of playing experience in pianobars and guitar work.

I like piano arrangements for mid and ballad style songs from comtempory, rock, pop jazz, musical theatre and blues.

Regards Alan

Re: getting started    16:24 on Monday, January 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

get started with what?

Re: getting started    16:30 on Monday, January 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

HI Alan
My name is Rusty. I was hoping you still checked this post cause I have a question for you. I am playing a piano bar 4 nights a week and I`m new at this. Hard to believe they even gave me 4 nights a week.
Heres my question for ya . ..... I need help lopts of help and I have been searching the web hi and low looking for forums on playing in piano bars web sites that offer help and have chat or message boards available on the topic and I keep coming up with NADA ! !
This is the first post I ever even found on someone saying they eve have any expereince with palying in piano bars. I play good and I sing good. But thats just not enough. I lack experience with the comunication part talking etc. ANY ADVICE on where to find help wold be well well appreciated.
Well thats about it and thanks for any advice you can throw my way, Rusty


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