SimPLE??? 0.0

SimPLE??? 0.0    21:15 on Saturday, September 16, 2006          

(613 points)
Posted by schoolgirl0125

MmhhmMM. challenging. so, you recieve a piece of music. REALLY easy it's like 5th grade music. but our b.d wants tp listen to how "musically" we can play it. there's 2 songs..a slOW and fast one.
there's no dynamics written on it. only tempo. There's not a lot of articulation. only a couple of slur here and there.
So what does "musically" mean to you?
the only thing i can think of is rate of vibrato. :]..yess. but ?????
it's a audition tooOO!
listening to how i play "musically" technically the fast part i can get..but i don't want to play rythm and notes correctly. what more can i DooOOO???


hahahha...i meant to say.
I don't ONLY want to play rythm and notes correctly...i want to do more.
that's better:]

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    21:31 on Saturday, September 16, 2006          

Account Closed
(3248 points)
Posted by Account Closed

Put your heart into it, use emotion is what first comes to mind for me.


Make it flow.. make it dance.

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    22:07 on Saturday, September 16, 2006          

(33 points)
Posted by dotamatrix1984

Your phrasing. Try to understand what's the musical idea behind the piece, realise which notes should have more emphasis, and add in your own dynamics depending on the flow of the music. Even fast sections can be made expressively by adding tenutos and varying the dynamics. That's about all I can say off my head.

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    22:45 on Saturday, September 16, 2006          

(1545 points)
Posted by Flutist06

I would agree with both Kara and Dotamatrix. I think Dotamatrix in particular has a good explanation. A composer may not always put in every dynamic that might help the notes become music, or specify every articulation, so it's up to the musicians to add what they feel the piece calls for. Of course, there has to be some sort of consensus (usually decided by the director, or failing that, close attention to what others are playing), or else all the various musical ideas of the musicians will clash and mean nothing.

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    08:26 on Sunday, September 17, 2006          

(1743 points)
Posted by Patrick

there is an old story that the late great flute teacher Marcel Moyse (teacher of several of my great teachers) would have all students play "twinkle twinkle little star" as the first piece in any master class

In other words, your measure as a musician is based on what you do with less, that is why they always ask you to play Mozart, the music is sparse yet gorgeous, like a crystal wine glass.

Remember that you don't play the flute, you use the flute to express yourself, no matter how many notes there are

Dynamics, tone COLOR, phrasing are what tell the story, the notes are only part of it

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    15:47 on Sunday, September 17, 2006          

(491 points)
Posted by Zevang

I'd just add to what Patrick greatly described that what's written in a score isn't actually music. What's heard is.


Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    16:18 on Sunday, September 17, 2006          

(173 points)
Posted by music4god

me with any music i have to feel the piece......know its emotion and then figure out why its like that.... make up a story to of the piece and i move when i play (piano). I go in circles slowly and oh yeah....... definitly make you hands graceful for those types of songs. Give wrist movement and pop it up and down gracefully (i know it sounds stupid but just go with me.....)

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    16:27 on Sunday, September 17, 2006          

(1545 points)
Posted by Flutist06

That may work for piano, but unnecessary wrist/hand movement is not something I would suggest while playing flute. Popping your wrists up and down is likely to inhibit the fluidity of your technique, and may move the flute in relation to your embouchure, affecting both sound and technique. Generally, you want your hands and arms relaxed (as little stress as possible), fingers resting lightly on the tops of the keys, and as little unnecessary motion as possible.

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    17:50 on Sunday, September 17, 2006          

(1743 points)
Posted by Patrick

agreed, flute players should move with the music, not against it, the audience should not require dramamine when watching a flutist

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    13:22 on Monday, September 18, 2006          

(180 points)

agreed, flute players should move with the music, not against it, the audience should not require dramamine when watching a flutist

Patrick.... *cackles* that was great. I knew another flutist like that. She drove us crazy in school. We could never decide if a demon was trying to get out, or how she stayed in her chair. She was a very "musical" player though.

Yes, tone of the piece, expressiveness of vibrato, fading in and out of various notes, and dynamics as a whole are the best way to play expressivley. Just work through the piece, it will come to you as you practice it. Good luck with your audition!

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    18:30 on Tuesday, September 19, 2006          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Patrick, the idea of distributing dramamine among the public is really funny...

I find the movements or dancing of performers rather annoying. When it comes to chorus singers simply I cannot bear that!.

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    18:39 on Tuesday, September 19, 2006          

(1743 points)
Posted by Patrick

the idea of so much extraneous movement is something I have seen in the different places I have worked.

For ex., recently teaching and playing in Taiwan, the students didn't move very much, they were very reserved

When I worked in Germany, it was like we were all on a boat, a small boat in a choppy sea, if you don't believe watch a German orchestra on TV sometime and watch the woodwinds.

Here in the US I have seen both, which would make sense because we have a bit of everything here

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    18:40 on Tuesday, September 19, 2006          

(1743 points)
Posted by Patrick

the idea of so much extraneous movement is something I have seen in the different places I have worked.

For ex., recently teaching and playing in Taiwan, the students didn't move very much, they were very reserved

When I worked in Germany, it was like we were all on a boat, a small boat in a choppy sea, if you don't believe watch a German orchestra on TV sometime and watch the woodwinds.

Here in the US I have seen both, which would make sense because we have a bit of everything here

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    18:33 on Thursday, September 21, 2006          

(13 points)
Posted by eigth_note_baby

i do not know if someone has said this all ready but he was pob looking for intonatio n my b. d. does stuff like that all the time

Re: SimPLE??? 0.0    19:00 on Sunday, September 24, 2006          

(613 points)
Posted by schoolgirl0125

thanks you guys! :] that helped me a lot! yaY! my audition is this week, and i have another coming up soon. yay! THANK YOU! yep. Everyone was saying how easy the music was. but my b.d was like..yep. so it is. :]


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