Flute Grade 4

Flute Grade 4    13:20 on Thursday, May 10, 2007          

(65 points)
Posted by anders101

Due to my outstanding progress my teacher has put me up for my flute grade 4 exam in June/July. But I have a problem, I have recently acquired a terrible cold and when I get a cold, it doesn't go away for a while. Now I can't hold my breath for more thatn 5 seconds without having a coughing fit. It is really affecting my playing, has anyone got any suggestions.


That should say,
Due to my outstanding progress my teacher has put me up for my flute grade 4 exam in June/July. But I have a problem, I have recently acquired a terrible cold and when I get a cold, it doesn't go away for a while. Now I can't hold my breath for more than 5 seconds without having a coughing fit. It is really affecting my playing, has anyone got any suggestions.

Re: Flute Grade 4    14:59 on Thursday, May 10, 2007          

(1743 points)
Posted by Patrick

try to get better, if you are serious about music, then you will often have to play with a cold, headache, stomach ache, fever, etc on many occasions.

Re: Flute Grade 4    15:00 on Thursday, May 10, 2007          
Re: Flute Grade 4    15:03 on Thursday, May 10, 2007          

(65 points)
Posted by anders101

In my cupboard at home I have calpol so I'll try that and try to put up with coughing. I do hope it will go away before my grade test.

Re: Flute Grade 4    20:11 on Thursday, May 10, 2007          

(1545 points)
Posted by Flutist06

Just out of curiosity, didn't you post a month or so back asking about how to play below G, since you'd just started? How did you manage to learn so much repertoire to performance quality that fast, particularly as a beginner?

Re: Flute Grade 4    15:00 on Friday, May 11, 2007          

(65 points)
Posted by anders101

I have played the recorder since I was three and the fingerings are similar so that's how I'm finding it so easy, also, I learnt my embouchure was wrong so that's why I couldn't get below G.

Re: Flute Grade 4    17:32 on Friday, May 11, 2007          

(218 points)
Posted by Penny

This seems more like a medical question then a flute question, but I would recommend eating anything with spices or with broth. The broth helps with congestion and spices help clear out the sinuses. Also, try getting some rest. (You probably already know all this). And obviously you should wait awhile after eating before playing your flute.

Other than that I guess you just have to try and ignore it the best you can.


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