2nd thoughts!

2nd thoughts!    12:59 on Sunday, August 24, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Recently I`ve been finding the flut a little bit hard, I used 2 be gr8, but now I`m going down hill a bit, I suppose it`s my fault really by not tackling the problem head on, I should have told my teach but I didn`t, I`ve been thinking about giving the flute up, but began 2 have 2nd thoughts, my parents are eager 4 me 2 carry on and my music teach would b dissapointed!
Should I give it up or not??????

Re: 2nd thoughts!    16:00 on Sunday, August 24, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

u should always keep up an instrument, if u really really truley hate it then give it up, but i dont suggest it. keep practicing and find out why u have been goin donwn hilll in ur playin.
tell ur teacher that ur findind the flute hard and that u think ur playin is decreasin he/she might be able to help u get back on track. all u really need is to not give up and practie.if ur findidng ur music too difficult then just play what u can and go slowly tryin to play the hard stuff, sumtimes i like to play really easy music when i dont feel like sumthin challengin so maybe u should play what is easy to u for a while and relearn why u like to play the flute. remember dont quite unless u really cant stand it, just because sumthins gettin hard dont give up so soon.
hope i could help

Re: 2nd thoughts!    14:46 on Sunday, August 31, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Dooooonnnnn`ttttt give up the flute. Iiiiii kkkknnnnnoooowwwww wwwwhhhhhhaaaaaattttt ccccaaaaaannnnnnn hhhhhheeeeeellllllpppppp. You need to take a break. Put your flute away for about a week. Alot of times people either practice to much or a lot in a small period of time and they get in a slump. Just take a break for a week and then start practicing again. Itt always works for me.
Keep with it

Re: 2nd thoughts!    02:22 on Monday, September 1, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

never ever quit ur instrument. if u were ever good then it is a God given talent and giving it up would be like saying u never wanted it in the first place. use what u have, and i`m sure the passion will come back soon.


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