Suggestion on good professional flute.

Suggestion on good professional flute.    13:03 on Thursday, April 10, 2008          


I want to buy a new profssional model flute and am debating on buying the Miyazawa 102, Yamaha 584H, and Pearl Quantz Coda Series. Which one is the best one to get? If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. The highest I am going to spend is 2,300 dollars.



Re: Suggestion on good professional flute.    13:25 on Thursday, April 10, 2008          

(657 points)
Posted by JButky

Just to clarify...

The Pearl Quantz Coda series are step up flutes. Pearl Dolce and Elegante and their coda models are intermediate flutes. Cantabile and above are Pearl Professional Flutes.

Joe B
Pearl Flutes

Re: Suggestion on good professional flute.    18:03 on Thursday, April 10, 2008          

(259 points)
Posted by arabians207

All of those are equally good flutes in terms of quality, but you really need to play all those flutes and decide which one YOU sound best on.

I just bought a flute right in the same price range, and I actually tried all of those flutes. I sounded great on all of them compared to my old flute, but I sounded SO good on the Yamaha, well I sounded great because of the headjoint. Instead of the Pearl Quantz, I'd look at the Dolce and Elegante. When I tried a Quantz (765) my tone was INCREDIBLY thin compared to the Yamaha and the Miyazawa. I didn't get the Miyazawa because my tone was a little more airy and just not as good. I even tried the 402, with my choice of headjoint (M5) and a gold riser.. A $5000 flute, I still sounded MUCH better with the EC headjoint.

The flute I ended up getting was a Pearl Dolce CODA because I wanted the C#/D# roller. The C# trill is now standard on Yamahas 500 and above), and bought an EC headjoint for it I sound wonderful on it, my teacher comments on my tone every single week, haha.

Definitely try out all those flutes

Re: Suggestion on good professional flute.    18:05 on Thursday, April 10, 2008          

(259 points)
Posted by arabians207

Just to add, I made several threads that will be helpful to you, search for the flute names on the flute forum

Re: Suggestion on good professional flute.    15:21 on Sunday, April 13, 2008          

(471 points)
Posted by leighthesim

try them all and decide which YOU like best it is alot of good us telling you to get one when we are not the ones who are going to play it, but try flute world as well they have some nice flutes, but try everything with the specs you want in your price range.


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