headjoints.. which one to use?

headjoints.. which one to use?    21:46 on Saturday, May 31, 2008          

(259 points)
Posted by arabians207

So I currently own 2 headjoints that fit my Pearl Dolce CODA. The Forza with a gold lip that came with the flute, and a Yamaha EC. I've had the flute and both headjointes a year in September and have used the EC since then. I bought the EC because I get a great sound, but I've really realized now that really only applies to the lower registers.. I am having quite a difficult time with the upper (anything above A4) and I was playing with the Forza and I can play those notes SO much easier then with the EC, but the tone quality in the lower registers is not as good.. its ok, but just not as good.

Could I teach myself to get a better quality sound in the lower registers in time? Or would it be easier to teach myself how to play the high notes with the EC? Which one would you advise me to use? I'm going to ask my flute teacher this week, but wanted to know everyones opinions on here Thanks

Re: headjoints.. which one to use?    22:08 on Saturday, May 31, 2008          

(1743 points)
Posted by Patrick

you should use the one, IMO, that speaks the best...a resistant head will only cause aggravation..

Re: headjoints.. which one to use?    22:19 on Saturday, May 31, 2008          

(534 points)
Posted by tenorsax13

If you have the time/money, look at fluteworld, they have great headjoints there(expensive but I hear there are some good headjoints on there).

Otherwise, use the one that you feel you have overall control over, and has the best tone quality.

Re: headjoints.. which one to use?    22:48 on Saturday, May 31, 2008          

(259 points)
Posted by arabians207

I don't think buying another is an option although I bet that would be the best thing for me. I'd love to find the perfect headjoint that is great in all registers and has a great tone, but it will be way to hard to test that many. I think the only way I could try lots of headjoints would be to like GO to fluteworld and just try them all at one place.. my music store would not be able to order me stuff just to try.. if they order you something like that, you have to know your going to buy it, there isn't any sampling unless its something they know they will be able to sell to someone else.

We are possibly going to New York over Christmas.. maybe there are some places we could try some head joints out there? I really don't think I could get my mom to agree with this unless I am going to pay for it myself. She has spent about $4,500 on all my instruments (violin, flute, piccolo) and I absolutely cannot ask her to pay for something thats not really needed. She was nice enough to buy the EC along with the rest of the flute although it was either that or an even more expensive Miyazawa flute as I really wanted the C# trill which isn't offered until over $3000..

I think I will play the Forza for a while and see what I think, depending on what my teachers says. What excercises, if any, could I do to improve my tone on it? Its not bad by any means, but it is a little more airy than the EC. Upper register its a ton better than the EC. The tone is much more consistent over the flute as a whole (as is the pitch, but if i had a better tone higher up, my pitch would probably be better too) Pitch wise I hardly ever have any problems at all though.

Just another question. I've mentioned this before in other threads- I am planning on majoring in Music Therapy in college and having flute as my main instrument. As mentioned, I have a Pearl Dolce CODA which is a pretty good instrument for a highschooler, will I probably need a more professional one for college? I do want to teacher private lessons and possibly participate in like a local symphony so more than just as the therapist. If I am going to be getting in a few years (I am going to be a junior in HS this fall) would it be worth going head joint shopping now?

Thanks for the replies!

Re: headjoints.. which one to use?    10:01 on Sunday, June 1, 2008          

(1743 points)
Posted by Patrick

check out www.yourfluteworks.com, she usually has some good headjoints to try, if you come to New York, maybe I can listen to you...

Re: headjoints.. which one to use?    22:33 on Sunday, June 1, 2008          

(37 points)
Posted by DWW

The EC and the Forza with gold lip are both good headjoints, and I have enjoyed playing on both at various times. As you correctly point out, they both have different qualities.

My suggestion would be that you hold off on buying another headjoint until you have spent another six months doing some SERIOUS sonority work on the hjs you have. Once you feel you have exhausted the possibilities available in the two you have.

Remember, it can take a year (or more!) of serious work to start getting the best out of a headjoint. Also, there is no "magic bullet"... no matter what the hj, if you want serious tone you have to put in serious work!

Re: headjoints.. which one to use?    21:52 on Wednesday, June 4, 2008          

(480 points)
Posted by Tibbiecow

I have found that time spent on headjoint with a particular 'strength' (for instance, easy-to-speak high notes) will actually teach me to play another headjoint (harder high notes) better in the upper range.

I would say go to the Forza and work hard on the sonority in the low range. You might go back to the EC after 2 or 3 weeks and find that the high end is easier.


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