I`m looking into buying a Piccolo....

I`m looking into buying a Piccolo....    18:30 on Thursday, February 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey everyone,

I`m looking into buying a piccolo. I`m in my 4th year of playing my flute and the girl who is in my band this year and who plays the piccolo isn`t going ot be there next year to play it ( the HS band I am in right now is 9-10 and since shes in 10 now, moving up to 11, shes not going to be there) and I thought that this gives me a good half year or more to become aquainted with the piccolo. Not to be cocky, but I think I am a fairly good flute player ( 2nd chair last year) and I was wondering, any people here who play Flute and Picc. Is it really that big of a difference learning the piccolo if you already are pretty good at the flute? I Know blowing into the picc is using a totally different embroucher (sp?) and the fingerings harder because the keys are closer together and you have to blow in it differently, but do you think about half a year will be enough for me to be able to play the picc in band and perhaps marching band provided that I pracitce frequently? Also, any tips at better piccolo playing?

Also, I am looking into buying one. Which would be the best if I was looking into playing for marching band and concert band? A all metal piccolo, all composite ( plastic) or, the one that I was leaning towards, metal head and compisite body ( picture of it located here: http://www.fluteworld.com/Merchant/images/products/4pmh_big.jpg

It`s a Gemeinhardt, I only trust them ( my flute is also a Gemeinhardt) But is this a good brand?

Sorry about so many questions... but thanks

- Ash

Re: I`m looking into buying a Piccolo....    21:51 on Sunday, August 24, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Let`s see if I can answer any of your questions.

I own a geminhart with a plastic body and a silver headjoint, and I think it`s great.

There`s another piccolo question that I gave an essay-length summary of the pros and cons of different types of piccs, if you look for that (I forget where it is) it might be helpful.

Next, if you work your butt off, six months should be okay. I learned picc in a summer for eight grade band: I wasn`t that great, but I was good enough to do the job. Now that I`m a Junior in high school, my playing is SOOOOOO much better, but six months will give you a good head start.

Don`t be too surprised if you feel lightheaded after you start the picc, it takes A LOT more air than flute. (I say this because when I started picc, and flute too, I got dizzy after not playing for too long). I think you`ll probably do a great job!

Good luck!

Re: I`m looking into buying a Piccolo....    20:08 on Tuesday, August 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hi, gumdrop you posted the info about the piccolo on my post that i had earlier on my piccolo question. Here is the address where you posted to get the info of the difference between all the pics. it`s: http://www.8notes.com/forum/25_21595.asp

Re: I`m looking into buying a Piccolo....    07:41 on Sunday, August 31, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

if you want to keep playing the flute aswell, you`ll need alot of practice, im a flute player and started playing the picc, but now on the flute i keep playing an octave higher then usual, but you shud be ok. what grade are you on the flute?

Re: I`m looking into buying a Piccolo....    17:11 on Saturday, December 27, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I was told that Yamaha made good piccolos. Im not sure about Gemeinhardt though, a friend got one recently and she has had a lot of problems with it but I have a gemeinhardt flute and it works okay...

Re: I`m looking into buying a Piccolo....    22:22 on Friday, February 27, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I have a Gemeinhardt piccolo and I am very disappointed with it. I have experience with Emerson, Gemeinhardt, and Yamaha models and very much recommend the Yamaha. The Emerson actually performs better than the Gemeinhardt which suprised me. I also own a Yamaha flute and recommend it. At this stage I think Yamaha has a much better line of flutes and piccolos than the other competitors. If you were to watch Ebay you can usually find a better deal. If you want to buy from a retailor I suggest WWBW.com.

Six months should be ok. I really recommend you start learning working as soon as possible. On the piccolo you really need to learn alternate fingers to get some notes (esp. C sharp/Db) in tune. I find this will be needed even more with composite piccolos. Another problem is that in the marching setting a composite piccolo will not go flat in cold weather with the rest of the band (esp. brasses). This can sometimes be a problem if your band is not somewhat advanced. Good Luck!!


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