STACCATO    11:23 on Sunday, February 4, 2007          

(5 points)
Posted by misia

Hello, I have a problem with my staccato. I'have played the clarinet for 4 years. Especially in the higher register h2-...and higher I have this problem. I'd like to play the short staccato pleasing to the ear and no sharp. Please,help me.

Re: STACCATO    16:51 on Sunday, February 4, 2007          

(66 points)
Posted by kato

if you mean g2 (all left hand with register key)it starts getting harder. for a better staccato, i fing that hitting more of the reed with your tongue makes it easier to play faster short high notes while keeping a warm tone. for even higher (around the 'g' above) and higher, i find that slapping the reed slightly, about a centimetre of it with the toungue helps, as well as producing a strong note. this is harder to do well than normal staccato. if you do try this, do your best not to get a slapping sound, but there's bound to be a little

i hope this proves useful, good luck

Re: STACCATO    19:12 on Thursday, February 22, 2007          

(35 points)
Posted by AllanMc

You might be using too much force. It only takes a very light touch to stop the reed. A good exercise if to play and slowly bring your tongue towards the reed until the sound stops.

Some good books are Avrahm Galper's "Tone, Technique, and Staccato" and Reginald Kell's "Clarinet Staccato from the Beginning"

Re: STACCATO    12:44 on Saturday, March 17, 2007          


Watch how much force you use. Control your air pressure.



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