Clarinet method book

Clarinet method book    20:14 on Thursday, September 4, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Heyy guys..
I had played clarinet in my high school for almost 3 years.
It`s been six years that i havn`t touch a clarinet.
When i was in the school i had my favorite clarinet method book.

I`m not sure its title was pronouced "AL-TO-LEN-GAAY"
Does anyone have an idea about that???
That one was belonged to the school back home, i `m trying to buy one in USA but i don`t know the exact name.

This book is a really good one. It has about 280-400 pages (not sure)

It covers form beginning to advanced level. it has a brown cover.

If this sounds familiar to you please tell me the correct spelling of the title.

Thank you


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