Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!

Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!    14:40 on Friday, January 12, 2007          


I am buying a new oboe and I basically have it down to two options but I need some opinions! If I buy a patricola I know to buy the professional model b/c I have heard the student models are not all that great...I am also considering buying it made out of rosewood.. Before I really wanted a Loree but all the reviews I have heard say that around this past decade or so they havent really been making such great oboes... I NEED HELP!!!! thanks!!

Re: Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!    19:15 on Friday, January 12, 2007          

(77 points)
Posted by Leoml88

are you looking at used oboes? because theres no problem with looking at a little bit of an older loree. a lot of them are really good. i have a friend who was playing a loree from the early 1980s and its one of the best oboes i've played on.

Also, you may want to look at Hiniker oboes. Its a very small company, the guys only made 30-40 some odd oboes. (when I tried one out it was serial #27) Anyways. It was a great deal of $3600 and it happened to be a really great oboe. great focus of sound, projection, and scales were very stable and in tune. I ended up getting a used laubin (another, more expensive option) because I liked the sound more, although this is really a matter of preference. Also, the Laubin was a lot more money, so overall, the Hiniker would have been a better value for the money, but I really wanted a certain sound, which is why I bought the laubin. But seriously, the Hiniker is a great value and better than any new loree I've played.

I don't remember how to get in touch with the maker, Thomas Hiniker, but you can get in touch with him through Peter Hurd, who runs this site He'll tell you that those are the best oboes around right now. Also, search "Hiniker" on this message board, because I posted a topic about Hiniker months ago when shopping for an oboe and you can see some other board members opinion of this brand

But in terms of answering your original question, look around a little longer, maybe explore new brands, since I personally wouldn't recommend a new Loree or Patricola.

Re: Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!    19:18 on Friday, January 12, 2007          

(77 points)
Posted by Leoml88

also, i just want to point out that the sound on the hiniker was also very good, it was just the laubin had a wider, more encompassing, dark sound, while the hiniker was more focused, and brighter (but not like bad bright, just brighter than I was looking for. It wasn't brighter than any lorees I've played)

I just wanted to clarify, since I didn't get the Laubin because the hiniker had a bad sound, I got the laubin since I just preferred its sound more. Both oboes sounded great though.

Re: Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!    19:21 on Friday, January 12, 2007          


thanks! anyone else have any opinions?

Re: Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!    22:00 on Thursday, February 22, 2007          

(12 points)
Posted by musicycles

Fox 800. compare and decide.

Re: Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!    08:23 on Friday, April 6, 2007          

(9 points)
Posted by hautbois

What about Marigaux?

Re: Patricola oboes vs. Loree oboes! I need help!!    22:06 on Saturday, April 7, 2007          

(6 points)
Posted by gentlesong

That's the same problem I'm having! It's hard to decide. My advice is just talk to an oboe teacher or band director who actually knows some stuff about oboes. They should be able to help. I'm pretty sure that I want the patricola, I just don't know whether or not I want rosewood or grenadilla. The patricola is just my personal preference though.


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