
Patricola?    21:34 on Monday, June 11, 2007          

(2 points)
Posted by MiriamF

I've been considering buying a new oboe for a while now, and have been researching the different brands online. The Patricola oboes have caught my eye, particularly the rosewood/gold Evoluzione. From what I've read they appear to be very good. Anyone know anything about them?

Re: Patricola?    22:29 on Tuesday, April 29, 2008          

(18 points)
Posted by minuvera

I know this may be a little late on a reply, BUT I'm going to do it anyway. If you are still considering the Evoluzione oboe, consider it strongly. I am currently playing on that particular model in grenedilla wood. I absolutely love it. I won't go into the who selecting an oboe speal here. Just a few quick facts, the mechanism on this instrument is in fewer words, perfect. It has every possible bell and whistle... including the philly D key. It is a unique sounding instrument with a very centered dark tone. I love my patricola oboe... I'm actually working on number two.


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