Re: marching band mishaps

Re: marching band mishaps    17:48 on Tuesday, April 17, 2007          

(59 points)
Posted by bandchick201013

at one of our football games it had been raining for the past 3 days so the field was solid mud our very smart band director says we need the pratice so haft times comes we are out on the field we make it to the very end of our show where every thing goes into double time and you are jazz running trying to get to your set and the whole contra section falls jumps up then most of the trumpets including me falls on their butt we get up march off the field all of us muddy to find out we have a show the next day and we have muddy uniforms!!! all of our contras said atleast we did not get our silver contras dirty

Re: marching band mishaps    17:55 on Tuesday, April 17, 2007          

(59 points)
Posted by bandchick201013

another muddy marching band story... it was the day of quarterfinals and my school was hosting my class so we had to go to the middle school to pratice which only had a soccer field so we painted lines. very muddy bigggg puddles and our band members slipping around not wanting to march in the puddles so my band director gets off the podum and jumps into a puddle my director is 6'4 and water came up to his knees then takes off running and does a face first slide on to the mudd i will never forget how wet and muddy he got to prove a point

Re: marching band mishaps    23:38 on Saturday, April 21, 2007          

(1 point)
Posted by MMHS_Trumpeter

I have a good one, my junior year(2006), my band was at a band review/field tournament at a high school. At the parking lot all of the bands were bunched up next to each other. So, my band was a 5A and the group next to us was a 6A(open) group to our right. These guys were well known in southern california, anywho we were done with our parade competition and us bandos, were chilling till it was our time to warm up and all that fun stuff later that evening. For like 4 hours we had nothing to do, I took a nap next to our sousaphone cases and when I woke up about an hour later, I saw a few of our colorguards playing hakey sack. My good ol colorguard friend from middle school was chasing after the ball, and all of the sudden she runs right into the 6A bands' prop and completely breaks it beyond reconigtion. A grip of us were laughing our asses off and we ran off. So, for the rest of the night, she hung around me and the 6A band wondered about the shattered prop. And when they performed, they somehow got last place of their division. Ohh man good times, good times.

p.s-sorry its so long

Re: marching band mishaps    01:06 on Sunday, April 22, 2007          

(99 points)
Posted by plyrseag

I was practising with my bassoon and the reed fell off, so I had to run and get it-it stuffed up all of the saxes' dressing (heh heh).
My lyre also fell off while marching so I had no music for the whole thing;0
Expect more from marching bassoon

Re: marching band mishaps    14:51 on Sunday, April 22, 2007          

(34 points)
Posted by TPTGirl2010

We were having a practice afer school one day and our section leader had 10 measures to get halfway across the field back stepping...well anyway she was about halfway there when she colided with a pole, fell, and then got hit with a flag... that triggered the domino effect causing the rest of the pagentry corps to drop their flags and three other band members got smacked right in the face... it was priceless.



Re: marching band mishaps    17:55 on Sunday, April 22, 2007          

(7 points)
Posted by bonzi0400

We were taking a break and I had to run to the other side of the building to grab my sweater (it was night time and FREEZING). It had been raining on and off the past two days and when I got back out the WHOLE band was waiting for me. I grabbed my trumpet from the spot where I set it against the building. As I ran to my spot (which was on the other side of the field -_-') I slipped and fell flat on my back. I also knocked down a drummer...


.......and the drummer just HAPPENED to be my crush.... >///<

Re: marching band mishaps    18:18 on Sunday, April 22, 2007          

(178 points)
Posted by schoolbandgeek1

haha here's mine. i was in a veterans day parade, doing incredibly well for my first time. we were in step and playing the song perfectly, that is, until we got to the judges table. right where most of the crowd was and where the judges were, there was a speed bump. i was sssssssssssssoooooooo mortified when i didn't see it there and for some weird reason speed bumps always pop out of nowhere and i tripped and fell on the clarinet player in front of me. thank god the judges didn't see me haha. btw, im a flutest not a trumpet player. haha. that's y u don't ever see me on this forum

Re: marching band mishaps    23:26 on Saturday, May 5, 2007          

(20 points)
Posted by clankman

Nothing real bad has happened to me, but a trumpet lost two of his buttons (on the valves round you press down on them) during a show.

One time we were going to a competition 4 hours away and the trumpet soloist forgot his trumpet. One of the band parents went back and got it, but the band directer was SSSOOOOO mad!

Re: marching band mishaps    16:26 on Sunday, June 10, 2007          

(52 points)
Posted by trumpetbabe2012

ha one time before our first home game of the season we were marching from the band room to the football feild.our bass drummer,had never played bass in marching band before,he always played snare.well we got half way to the feild,the bass drummer ran into an orange traffic cone,tripped,and his drum came off the carrier and started rolling away!!!we were all dodging the drum as it rolled away.our band director started chasing it,and the rest of the band was laughing to the point of tears!

Re: marching band mishaps    17:29 on Tuesday, June 12, 2007          

(34 points)
Posted by CP124

Once during a football game we were doing the half time show (i was in the front line) and this color guard started getting real close but i didn't notice then all of a sudden they start running in a circle around the band and spinning their flags. Next thing i know i get a good whack in the head and almost keel over -_- fun stuff lol

Re: marching band mishaps    11:31 on Wednesday, June 13, 2007          

(29 points)
Posted by Eagleblade

One of my fellow marching members during one of our rainy performances lost his shoe and a judge followed him around for the rest of our show trying to get him to put it back on so he wouldn't get hurt. Even though the judge said he wouldn't take of any points the guy finished the show with out a shoe

Re: marching band mishaps    22:14 on Friday, June 15, 2007          

(1 point)
Posted by Chris15

One time my marching band was at a competition and, it was pretty windy the around the time we got on. So while we were marching our show my plume blue off my hat and went some were. I didnt relize it flew off time we were marching off and every one was laughin at me. It kinda suck

Re: marching band mishaps    14:48 on Sunday, June 17, 2007          

(9 points)
Posted by playin_it_all

Untied shoelaces and clumsy feet dont mix!!! I was walking in formation on the field and tripped over my own shoe laces and fell of my face in front of everyone!! I messed everything up during that song oh well

Re: marching band mishaps    15:29 on Wednesday, June 27, 2007          

(7 points)
Posted by CHStrumpet09

so we're marching in the biggest parade of the year...and on one part of the show...we get into long lines and the flags are in between us...well the flag hits me right in the bell...and bent it in toawrds my body...cut up my lips and chipped a tooth...hurt like a mother and was bleeding even worse.
well this was the time right before the judges..and there was no way i was backing i played and blood was squirtin out...and we got first
then when we were listening to the tapes one of the judges said that it was dedication that i was still playing while bleeding!

Re: marching band mishaps    18:19 on Sunday, July 29, 2007          

(52 points)
Posted by trumpetbabe2012

my family is full of band geeks......i have a cousin that plays clarinet and a chunk of cork came of at the place where the bell connects to the rest of the horn.the bell kept sliding off.well she had a big competition coming up(we go to different schools)and didn't have time to get her horn fixed.well when they were smack in the middle of their show her bell came off! she couldn't get it so she kept marching without it.i was their when it happened because our band preformed too.i was about to die laughing.her bell coming off didn't affect the score any,because they qualified for state!


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