hmmmm.... college

hmmmm.... college    16:33 on Monday, March 12, 2007          

(105 points)
Posted by jackie09

I think that most people on this forum are in middle or high school. I think there are some that are in college or my question is directed towards you guys.

I want to be a music major in college but I am not sure if I am good enough. I am a sophomore right now. I go to a high school that has an excellent band program, by far the best in the state, we are the only school in the state to have recieved the Sudler flag of honor. My school has four bands I am in the second band, first chair. I really think I could have made the top ensemble this year I just got nervous in my audition. I am sure I will make it my junior year.

Everyone tells me I have an excellent tone, so I quess that would be the best aspect of my playing. I have a consistent range up to high D above the staff. I can double tounge well and triple tounge ok.

Sooo... what music should I be learning? What basic pieces should I have down? What should I work on to be prepared for college?

Re: hmmmm.... college    22:58 on Monday, April 2, 2007          

(37 points)
Posted by jazzerjim17

A sophmore in high school and considering college, smart of you to look ahead. I'm a freshman in college, one of the big 12 schools in texas, and it was a little tough.

First off, dont be intimidated. College players are almost the same as high school, you have the guys who really try and are really good and there are the ones that have stopped trying and just want to graduate. About the only difference is that everyone is good, really good and there is very little (if any) negativity.

Second, try to get over the audition jitters. The best way to do that is to audition more. Try to find other groups that you can play for (professional groups preferably), a youth orchestra, jazz group, heck you could even go for the actual orchestra just for the experience. This will also help your playing, its amazing what playing infront of strangers does for your skill.

Start looking for a college trumpet professor and ask questions. E-mail them questions, like what music you should be practicing and what techniques you should've mastered. (I'd give you some good places to start but I dont think I'm qualified enough to give you that kind of advice.) About the best thing you could do is start taking lessons from a professional player, you might even want to start with your own band director. Many forget that they went to college too. Or e-mail the professor of the school you want to go to and develop a relationship before you even get there. It sounds like you have a firm grasp on technique and tone but dont stop until you're perfect because I can guarantee you, some of the upperclassman will be. Keep working, practice,practice, practice and then practice some more.

I came from a tiny town in the middle of nowhere of Texas in one of the worst music regions of the state and I made it. I had to work my butt off and I barley got accepted but I made it. (I'm doing much better now) You're coming from apparently a very good program so you probably won't have as hard of a time as I did. Be prepared, you're already on the right track by asking advice but you might want to start asking actual professors what their standards are and start reaching for those. Hope I was helpful, Good Luck and have fun!

Re: hmmmm.... college    17:09 on Thursday, April 5, 2007          

(105 points)
Posted by jackie09

I do have a teacher that plays trumpet, I forgot to mention that, he is a senior in college and a music ed. major.

thanks for the reply


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