Spanish/Mexican trumpet

Spanish/Mexican trumpet    09:51 on Friday, August 24, 2007          

(1 point)
Posted by trumpeter2010

I play the trumpet and have a Yamaha Xeno, and I would like to start playing Mexican style music, but when I listen it sounds like they are playing a different kind of trumpet. Are they? And where could I find one? In case you're not sure what I'm saying, the Mexican style trumpeters sound like they're playing a more crass, higher pitched, less rounded sounding trumpet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Spanish/Mexican trumpet    17:40 on Friday, August 24, 2007          

(68 points)

What you're probably hearing is the difference between the silver finish of the Xeno and the brass finish of the majority of the horns that the Spanish-style trumpet players use. There is a distinct difference between the sounds. Go down to the music store with your mouthpiece and try the two different style horns and you'll see what I mean.

Re: Spanish/Mexican trumpet    21:48 on Saturday, September 1, 2007          

(3 points)
Posted by pmeice86

Try pulling out your tuning slide an extra inch and using a ton of vibrato while still playing in tune. That's where the crass-ness comes from. Aside from that, it's just the sound they go for. I don't really think the equipment is the difference. The Mexican style of trumpeting is just loud, overblown, and heavy with vibrato.

Re: Spanish/Mexican trumpet    21:25 on Tuesday, September 4, 2007          

(68 points)

Meadow muffins! I don't know how long you've been at this gig, youngster, but I happen to know from personal, professional playing for decades that it isn't like you describe.

Aside from the distinct difference between the finishes of horns (a little research will bear that out), there is also a taughtness to the embochure in the mariachi-style music that gives it its "bite". It's easy for any horn player to do with a little practice.

Try it - you'll see what I mean. Increase the "smile" when you set and thin the lips out. That'll change your sound right off.


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