anyone no anythin about bugles?

anyone no anythin about bugles?    18:10 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I just wanted to no how good the bugle i got for my b-day is
its a Rogers U.S.Regulation (thats all it says)

Re: anyone no anythin about bugles?    21:21 on Monday, April 19, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Dude! Its a bugle! Who cares how good it is! All it is is a pipe with a hole at each end!

Re: anyone no anythin about bugles?    15:57 on Monday, May 3, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Yeah, that is an excellent brand. That manufacturer made those models in the 1920`s and continued production throughout WWI, for some generals who wished to use them. Although most used them for decorations. With the increasing popularity of classical music, some peices called for bugles. The sound nad mechanics interested people and they continued to buy them. That company has a long history and is a very reliable bugle manufaturer.


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