becoming a better sight reader

becoming a better sight reader    21:43 on Monday, March 21, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I was wondering if any of you could give me tips to improve my sight-reading?

Re: becoming a better sight reader    23:16 on Monday, March 21, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Well, the best way to improve your sight-reading is to simply practice sight-reading. During your daily practice routine, sight read any music you can find that you`ve never seen before.
Joining a band that does a lot of sight reading also helps plenty. You know, a band that just runs through a piece and puts it away. In these situations, concentrate on the rhythms first.
I believe that sight reading is a skill that, like many, wanes or suffers when not practiced regularly. So do a little every day and get accustomed to as many rhythms and tones as possible. That way, you can recall them faster when you see them again, and thus, be a good sight-reader.

- Roy

Re: becoming a better sight reader    00:39 on Tuesday, March 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I think that listening to music with complex rhythms will help. I grew up with alot of latin musical influences in terms of style such as salsa and merengue. I believe this helped see rhythms because i could feel the groove alot better. I suggest listening to some latin jazz i.e. Arturo sandoval. Im not talking about his high notes but how complex his music is. Try clapping to the music or scatting the rhythms. Its alot of fun and it should motivate your mind.

Re: becoming a better sight reader    09:56 on Tuesday, March 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

start off looking at the left half of the music... that will give you the key signature, time signature, and clef. then go through and look for key changes, tempo changes, and meter changes. then look at the tempo marking. and if you`re being timed and you still have time to look at it start singing it in your head


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