
Music?    07:43 on Tuesday, November 14, 2006          

(3 points)
Posted by Flat

You can find the diagram here:

Last night, using Gliffy, I made a diagram comparing the results of playing instruments, not playing instruments, and the effects of both. Well, playing instruments comes out better.

Re: Music?    02:09 on Wednesday, November 15, 2006          

(118 points)
Posted by philipinoguy

Hey, i read your diagram. but, what about the bad side to having an instrument and the good side of not having an instrument?

Con- *Amount of money being spent for instrument. eg. hiring or buying an instrument and the amount of travel for band competitions and camps, repairing if needed etc.

Con- *Some people actually think that playing an instrument is hard and useless. ((Especially the people in the Junior Band, they always rely on the best people to do it for them. today in JB rehearsal; there were only 2 flutes, 1 clari, 1 trump, 1 t.sax, 2 a.sax, 3 ppl doing the drums and the only guitar base.))

Con- *Making enemies. People being more than envious, jealousy.

Sorry for finding the bad side, i do love playing the flute, but i am only saying this because it is kinda true.


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