"My Jealous Eyes" sheetmusic

"My Jealous Eyes" sheetmusic    17:27 on Thursday, July 31, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m looking for sheetmusic for a song my mother use to sing all the time.
I think it might be named "My Jealous Eyes" It`s an old song, my mother would have been 87 this year.
I have the lyrics but I`m looking for sheet music. Here are some of the lyrics. "My jealous eyes what have you seen?
Why are you turning from blue to green?
Your lover`s arms hold other`s charms, but they`re just dancing.
What are they saying, while they are swaying?
Oh can it be, he`s tired of me? Etc, etc.
Can anyone help me out? I`ve been looking for ages. I don`t even know the composer.

Re:    13:10 on Wednesday, May 19, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I, too, have been searching for that song. My grandmother gave me the record a long time back, but I’ve lost it since then. I’d love to just have the lyrics. I’ve seen some adds for where you can buy the sheet music. The song’s by Patti Page. Here’s a link to a page that’s selling a copy of the sheet music. http://www.sheetmusicwarehouse.co.uk/cgi-bin/order.pl?stockref=9003

By the way, could you please tell me the lyrics?

Re: jealous eyes lyrics    23:37 on Tuesday, February 8, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

hi, thanks for letting me know about patti page, i have had this song in my head for ages, i know all the lyrics, but do not know where i heard it, or how i know it. great song.


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