teeth problems

teeth problems    21:38 on Sunday, March 4, 2007          

(2 points)
Posted by wilson_mckeown

Well, I've been playing trombone almost five years now, and just this year, being my first at university in residence, I've noticed that one of my top front teeth is moving forward, and lately i can click it back and forth with my tongue. Now, since the gum around it is slightly tender, whenever I play, i can feel it afterwards. Anyways, now that it is mobile, I'm considering the possibility that I might lose it. So, the question is: can I play trombone with a missing front tooth? I thought about it, and concluded that yes, it was possible, and I can't think of any major problems it would cause.

What do you guys think?

Re: teeth problems    21:31 on Monday, March 5, 2007          

(206 points)
Posted by musicman

I know when I had to get braces, i had to have 4 teeth pulled. all my K9 teeth, and they didn't affect my playing any after I got used to them. I would consult your dentist just incase its nothing more than just tender gums...

Re: teeth problems    00:29 on Tuesday, March 6, 2007          

(2 points)
Posted by wilson_mckeown

yeah, i'm definately going to visit the dentist in the next day or two. i just thought that since it was one of my top teeth, since the tongue connects mainly (with me, anyways) with the gums just before the teeth, then i can still play. i guess i won't know until anything happens anyways.

thanks for the advice =p


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