A few questions...

A few questions...    19:13 on Friday, October 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been a musician for ten years. I play several instruments, so I know plenty of theory and how to read and all that stuff.

I`m just now learning trombone. I want to eventually be able to improvise in a jazz style but over mostly major and minor triads.

Right now, I`m going through one of the beginner books that you start out in in sixth grade or whatever and playing with the playalong CD. Also, I play along to a CD of songs in the style of music I play.

What should I be watching for? I`m mostly working on getting to the correct position every time and fine tuning it once I`m there. My tone sucks but I know that will come with time.

One particular concern is where to tune to. I have the slide out about a half inch and tune to there. I was told not to have it go in till it stops. Is this correct or is it a matter of preference?


Re: A few questions...    21:58 on Saturday, October 23, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


Re: A few questions...    01:54 on Tuesday, October 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

on a trombone it matters very little where you ACTUALLY put the tuning slide. Because guess what, your HOLDING a tuning slide the whole time. if a note is a lil sharp you lower that note on your slide until its in tune, simple as that.

One thing that books and bad teachers tell you is where the positions are. Well guess what, there are over 100 positions on the trombone. Every single note on our horn is not in the same place ever(maybe except for 1st position for some). The important thing to do one trombone is to keep that sound in your head and just put the note where you want it. if you know what a Eb sounds like put it in its relative spot and play that sound!! just remember its about the sound and not the slide positions. Siinging your music before playing it helps tons, especially when your sightreading.


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