does vaseline work on the slide?

does vaseline work on the slide?    21:59 on Saturday, December 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I was thinking about things that aren`t meant for t-bone but could be use and I wondered if anyone has or will try vasiline?

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    00:33 on Sunday, December 12, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

dont... thats it.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    00:18 on Tuesday, December 14, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Vaseline is a petroleum based lubricant, like most valve oil and slide grease. It works just fine, though it can sometimes turn the brass a dark black color, which is not actually damaging, only ugly. It works fine in a pinch, but I wouldn`t reccomend it over real slide grease.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    23:17 on Wednesday, December 15, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Use it for the tuning slide, but not the slide.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    01:33 on Thursday, December 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Ya know, it might, but they make things that are specifically designed for those two uses, slide and tuning slide, and after years of experimenting, I wouldn`t use anything else.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    03:46 on Thursday, December 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Vaseline for the tuning slide (don`t use on the main slide), and Pond`s Face Cream on the main slide. Just a dollop on each extension, then replace the a treat.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    18:23 on Thursday, December 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Just remember, when you use these "other things" for slide grease, that when you take a big breathe, you will breathe in at least a little of the scent of whatever it is that you are using. I used Pledge for a while, and it was turture, even if it was "lemony fresh scented".

Now think about it, do you really want to inhale that kind of thing? Um... ew.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    19:42 on Thursday, December 16, 2004          
(Owen Pierce)
Posted by Archived posts

Actually, I`ve been using Ponds cold cream ever since I began, and it works wonders. I prefer the consistency to Yamaha slide cream, to tell the truth, and the smell is much more pleasant. I`ve been told that only Ponds works, however.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    19:52 on Thursday, December 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve also used Pond`s for over 20 years. I never noticed the smell, and the slides have never stuck.

I don`t like to breathe in solvents either, so petrolium based grease???

Use what works, I will stay with Pond`s, a small jar will last a long time. If it`s good enough for my Mum, then it`s good enough for me!!(Joke)

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    03:57 on Friday, December 17, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I have heard of a lot of people that use Ponds. I guess if it works, go for it. Personally, I havn`t found anything better for me than SuperSlick. Good stuff.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    02:16 on Tuesday, December 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I am just starting to play the trombone, and does anyone know if french horn valve oil work for a trombone slide? Also, some longtime trombone players I know use regular slide oil once before they start to play but if the slide sticks, they spray water on it. Anyone else heard of this?

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    16:49 on Tuesday, December 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Yeah that`s normal. Especially when you use grease instead of oil, we all have spray bottles.

And as for the valve oil... Stay away. That`s made for valves, not slide. Same the other way around, slide oil doesn`t really work on valves.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    21:15 on Tuesday, December 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Erik`s right!

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    20:16 on Wednesday, December 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

How about slide o mix? Anyone heard of this stuff? any opinions? Tried it last week. Music store was out of Super slick, so gave it a try...I like it better that Super Slick.

Re: does vaseline work on the slide?    12:40 on Thursday, December 23, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Nope slide-o-mix never heard of the stuff (hehe) and well id recomend that you stick with the crunchy peanut better its the best.

Slide-o-mix is one of the standards lubes any more. Great 2 part mix. I reciently switched from it to cold creme. Coldcreme is the fastest thing i can find and for like 3 bucks you get 5 years worth.


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