I don`t get it.......

I don`t get it.......    23:25 on Saturday, May 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I don`t get it. I`m a 7th grade student and in my orchestra for the 7th grade, there are 2 cellos, 2 violists, and about 7 violinists. I am the most experienced and my classmates say I`m the best and so does my teacher. But the reason I put this topic up is because, whenever I play there is one or two people that just start to explode on me. They say `Stop showing off`, especially when I do vibrato, that none of them can do except for me and my teacher. I then tell them, `Look it`s not my fault you guys agree that I`m the best and its not my fault I play good. I`m just good.` To me some of them are jealous, but they are totally nuetral. At times they are all like `Wow David, You are really good` or, for example, when we have a technical challenge, or a challenge against another student player, or even a playing quiz, they all cheer me on and know I`ll get the best score, which I do (DO NOT GET ME WRONG. I AM NOT BRAGGING), and they are cool then. But on some days especially when we get a new piece, the second I play it some of them tell me to stop showing off. Another thing that bugs me is when our teacher demonstrates a piece and students can play along but they never do, I play and they say `Stop playing! Show-off`. Well what are your point-of-views? I think they are jealous, but I could care less because words won`t stop me from continuing my playing experience. (Some of them talk about quitting Strings)

Re: I don`t get it.......    20:11 on Monday, May 12, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Just point and laugh at them.

Remember, it`s not about playing notes. It`s about music. As long as you love the music you create, then everyone else is a bunch of losers.

Or, you could just enter a Concerto Competition or something, win it, and laugh at them for not being able to do the same. My friend Tim is a virtuoso, and always shows off on playing tests with big fat juicy vibrato, and we just laugh because he is so good.

Re: I don`t get it.......    17:55 on Tuesday, May 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had the same exact problem, only in Spanish class. I just pretty much ignored the people who were causing the problems, and they eventually didn`t really care anymore. If people are thinking about quitting strings just because you play well, then that is their choice, and you can just wave bye-bye to them. That is my point of view on that.

I do get it...... :-)    15:47 on Saturday, May 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

The funny thing is that they shut up when you actually play a hard piece of music. It`s like they say "stop bragging and stop playing" and you say "this piece of music is easy, do you want me to play an actual hard one?" And then you take out one of Paganinis music or "Flight of the Bumble" and they really shut up. For me it was actually opposite, I played really well and most of everyone either didn`t care or just ignored it, I mean that I could play every piece of music they gave me in less than 30 minutes. Those people either don`t pay attention in class or are too good to get help from others. For me personally, if someone got on my nerves from saying that I was bragging or was actually bragging to other people by playing hard music, I would just play one of my expert pieces of music to show them that there is always someone better.

I do get it....... :-)    15:51 on Saturday, May 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Trust me about what I`m saying because I`ve had that more than anything, and not just in music class. Actually I play the cello and I`m a beginner with the violin.

Re: I don`t get it.......    06:16 on Monday, May 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hehehe i know what you mean. i think you`re right, they are just jealous. not many people can play string instruments well. heh they`re just making those comments so they won`t look or sound inferior when they are playing if you know what i mean. :P

Re: I don`t get it.......    17:23 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Yeah. I see you guys have the same problems and point of views. Its the same way for me in Spansh too LOL. What you said Sean is true. If I play a hard piece they stare at me and are like wow...good job...being positive. Glad to see people have my feelings and I`m not the only one.

Re: I don`t get it.......    20:33 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i get wut ur sayin. in my orch. my friend and my other friend are always concert masters and they can always play every peice the first time. but in my orch no1 reallly says nething that would disturb them. you just gotta ignore them until they realize that you play violin is sumthin that ur good at and there not goin to b able 2 bring u down. i had a ruff time 2 in the 7th grade cuz i beat out all the 8th graders but u just hav 2 hav a positive adduitde and not take your music for granted. dont let it go 2 your head.

Re: I don`t get it.......    21:28 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I understand what you are feeling. I wouldn`t suggest pointing and laughing, because then you are the bragging jerk. Keep playing with all your heart, you won`t be in this place forever, you may find when you go bigger and better places that you feel the same way the others did. I know I did. There will always be someone better, and if that is going to discourage you, then you really shouldn`t be playing at all.

Re: I don`t get it.......    14:35 on Saturday, June 7, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

HAHA!! this is actually funny..
.. as alot people said... if you are good and you are doing a thing you like.. whom are they anyways? why should you stop doing something you like?

Re: I don`t get it.......    16:44 on Sunday, June 8, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i know the feeling too, i`ve always been one of the better ones in my orchestra all through elementary, middle and highschool. it`s not that i practice sooo much more than the others, it just comes naturally i think. i do practice a lot, but there are some people who practice all the time but can`t seem to catch on. it`s just how fast our brains process. but if you truely are that good, then you shouldn`t let any jealous peers get in your way. have you considered trying out for another orchestra in your town or city? a lot of cities have student orchestras available by audition. this way, you could be in a group with the same abilities as you, and play more challenging music. but just as a precaution, dont get TOO caught up in yourself, don`t get discouraged when you can`t play a piece if you do decide to go to an advanced orchestra. so good luck!


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