Learning to Play Violin... ONLINE!?!?!?!?

Learning to Play Violin... ONLINE!?!?!?!?    11:12 on Saturday, September 15, 2007          

(426 points)
Posted by MusicRawks

Hi! My name is aKari.
I have been playing piano for about 9 years.
I would like to learn to play the violin.
I don't think there are any violin teachers in my area.
Is there a book, DVD, or a web-site I should get to teach my self how to play the violin?
It sounds like it could be risky.
Should I find a teacher?

Re: Learning to Play Violin... ONLINE!?!?!?!?    10:44 on Saturday, September 29, 2007          

(10 points)
Posted by xAlexandra

i dont know if your dutch? i am dutch..
wel anyway, i play violin 4 years now, and in my first year
i found a really good violin book with CD so you can hear how the song your playing need to be!!
the name of the book is: Fiddle time.
there are 7 parts of the books.
the first one is simple, but very good to start with!!!
then the others folow.
you can maybe buy the books in a music store in your city.
or you can buy them online..
i dont know a website who sell the books.
maybe ebay sells it??
well, i hope you can buy the books somewere!!
because they are really good!!!!!!
its good for like, 7 years violin playing!
after that, you can play very well violin and you can play any song you want!

good luck with this!!

-xxx- alexandra


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