Can someone advice me!

Can someone advice me!    20:57 on Saturday, March 1, 2008          

(1 point)
Posted by saraji_pod

Hi i've been plying violin almost half a year and I wnna know how can I memorize my notes when i read them

Re: Can someone advice me!    22:56 on Saturday, March 1, 2008          

(259 points)
Posted by arabians207

Your post was slightly confusing.. are you just asking how to learn to play the music memorized??

For myself, If I play a song enough times (with the music) I can play it memorized after a while.. I think I am able to memorize music pretty quickly/easily. If its a song I need memorized pretty quickly and I don't know it really well yet, I play a few bars with the music, then repeat it several times without looking at the music. Then I just add one or two measures to the part I just played.

Hope that helped..

Re: Can someone advice me!    11:13 on Sunday, March 2, 2008          

(18 points)
Posted by FreightViolin

Once you start playing the music and actually listening to it, memorizing becomes second nature, especially when you are deep in thought with the music.
If you truly love what you are playing, memorizing will be no problem.
It will come to you easily.

Re: Can someone advice me!    15:45 on Sunday, March 2, 2008          


lol I love that you sound like a music jedi!!! ooo I am gonna start calling myself a music jedi! But yeah if you play things enough times it will just sort of happen. But if you have no experience memorizing I would suggest first just trying to see how much you can play without music. If you can't just keep playing a bar or 2 over and over again until you can and repeat this with the entire piece. After awhile it won't be so challenging.

Re: Can someone advice me!    00:53 on Tuesday, March 4, 2008          

(156 points)

yeah it took me ages to learn but thats because i had suzuki, which is like tabbed music telling you what finger to put down. maybe you could get the first book and teach yourself, you will get it with time but watch out, you'll start thinking in 1st finger 2nd finger 3rd finger instead of b,c,d etc


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