violin case????

violin case????    10:42 on Wednesday, April 13, 2011          

(6 points)
Posted by katm234

My music teacher mentioned something about how her violin case(her first one) was hard shell, she said that the hard shell case doesn't do well with temperature and because of that you have to re-tune it a lot. She also mentioned that a "fabric" case deals with heat as well as cold temperatures better.

- What is a "fabric" violin case?
- Does a "fabric" case protect your violin any less than a hardshell?
- What is the best violin case to get when it comes to temperature as well as overall protection?

Re: violin case????    18:44 on Thursday, April 14, 2011          

(27 points)
Posted by DanielEsea

Unless you have a instrument that is very expensive or a older antique i would not worry about expensive cases.I would think carbon fiber would be a very strong case if you are looking for something to heavily protect


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