Re: Viola interests

Re: Viola interests    20:50 on Thursday, November 23, 2006          

(35 points)
Posted by Viola29

Finaly did it. I bought my first Viola. I bought it from the Gliga family. I'm looking forward to when it arrives so I can start learning to play. I bought a book, Essential Elements 2000 from a local music store and the guy working behind the violin part of the store just went ahead and gave me a two string tourte style mute. I've been looking at the book and listening a bit to the included CD's and I'm really anxious to learn. I'll try keeping people posted on my progress.
Happy Holidays to all!!

Re: Viola interests    14:47 on Wednesday, November 29, 2006          

(26 points)
Posted by violaguy

i would suggest useing the susuki method as well just learn to read music

Re: Viola interests    22:25 on Monday, December 11, 2006          


I, too, am a large guy (6'8") and I had Vasile Gliga build me a 19" viola this summer. It is a one piece back made of bird's eye maple and sounds AMAZING. I bought a 17.5" before that made by Cristian Gliga and I loved it. I would HIGHLY recommend the Gliga Maestro level violas. Even my commissioned instrument was only $2,500.00 and he designed the pattern and built is specifically to my specs WITH some VERY amazing carving. However, keep in mind, when you buy a new instrument, it will take it about 4-6 months to really develop a good full sound. Mine is JUST now becoming really resonant and OMG it's AWESOME!


Re: Viola interests    22:28 on Monday, December 11, 2006          


BTW... with the Gligas, spring for the Eva Pirazzi strings... they are the best strings I've ever heard.

Re: Viola interests    06:06 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          

(35 points)
Posted by Viola29

I, too, am a large guy (6'8") and I had Vasile Gliga build me a 19" viola this summer.

19"!! WoW! And people are amazed by the size of my viola. The 19" would really be a sight to see. I just got a 17" GEMS2 almost 2 weeks ago and I really enjoy it. I'm learning slowly, I think, but I wish I had time for an instructor but, work comes first, as always. I hope to someday be well enough that I can upgrade to a maestro level instrument. I'm not sure, now, about going up in size but perhaps quality may be there someday. Congradulations on your new Viola as well. Take care, Dan

Re: Viola interests    07:11 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          


YEah, the 19" is truly huge. But I have really long skinny fingers. I really should play bass but I'd rather do vibrato horizontally. The PERFECT viola in terms of proportionally the same as the violin would be about 21" but NOBODY could play that... I find that 19" is a good compromise for me and it is just right in size. (Occasionally, the stretch between 1 and #3 is a bit much, but I'm working on it.

BTW, I started out teaching myself. I've been a professional musician for 10 years so I knew the basics and I have a good knowledge of how to practice. The best advice I can give is to check in with real players about things like bow hold, hand posture, etc... and then PRACTICE SLOWLY and deliberately. You will gain speed as you get better, but there is no sense in practicing in mistakes or bad technique. The bowed string instruments are GREAT if you can make them sound good... if not... LOOK OUT!

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. =-)


Re: Viola interests    07:59 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          

(35 points)
Posted by Viola29

Slowly but progressing. I also have an electronic tuner to help me. In the book, I look at the finger charts and I use the tuner to make sure that the fingers are placed in the right place and I'm making a good sound. Started trying to play around with 4th finger notes and they don't seem to be too easy. So far, I'm not expecting much, but I'm practicing some of the songs until I can play them well before I move on to the next part, sometimes I'll go back some to refresh and build on what I'm learning. As far as finding other players, so far the only person I found was a young girl in my church who has been playing violin for 3 yrs. I asked a few questions to her, mostly if she has a private instructor but she said that it's mostly done trough her school. She almost couldn't hold my viola, her arm outstreached pretty good.

does it sound like I have a decent plan? I'm working on it but it won't last long since I'm deploying to the middle east soon.

Take care,

Re: Viola interests    08:06 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          


That's too bad that you're being deployed. Yeah, it sounds like you're doing it exactly right.

HA! yeah, the 4th finger is a bitch. I've only just gotten fairly comfortable with it and I've been working on it for a year or so. I wish you the best and hopefully when you get back you can pick it up again and really get it going.


Re: Viola interests    13:47 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          

(34 points)
Posted by violasurvey

TO BratcheScratcher:

Didn't you sell a fractional violincello that had been converted to a huge viola by narrowing the ribs? I seem to remember seeing an ebay auction of this sort, and your name being the seller? I trust that the Gliga is way better?

Re: Viola interests    18:23 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          


nope, that's not me. There is a guy on e-bay called ScratchaBratsch (or something like that)... it's prolly him. Yes, the Gliga is MUCH better, not very practical for most people, but for me, it's GREAT!

Re: Viola interests    18:57 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          


now that you mention it, my viola is the same size as an 1/8th cello. The one piece back was made from wood that Mr. Gliga had for a special ordered 1/8th cello that was cancelled. I've put a picture of it up.


Re: Viola interests    20:00 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          

(35 points)
Posted by Viola29

Wow, I love the back and it has a great color to it. The chin rest looks so tiny in comparison. Looks great, definitely a keeper.

Re: Viola interests    20:04 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          


Thanks, Dan. Do you have pix of yours?

Re: Viola interests    20:08 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          
Re: Viola interests    20:09 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          


which one is it? what is the number?


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