17:35 on Sunday, September 11, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Re:    21:07 on Sunday, September 11, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Can anyone tell me about the cello, and why do u play it and how did u get started.

What would I need for my first cello how do you rosin on a bow? Before I forget to ask what are those dots on tha finger board and how do u put them on?

sorry if i asked to many questions.

Re:    22:29 on Sunday, September 11, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Re:    18:11 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I guess u guys don`t know anything about cellos

Re:    18:49 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Ok, maybe you should get lessons instead of trying to ask other people on the net. Its quite hard to gets started and you can also get bad habits from not being taught properly. For ur info, to rosin ur bow, u rub the bit of rosin up and down the hairs on your bow, it should make it sticky and when you play white stuff should rub off on ur strings. the white dots are where u put ur fingers. DONT PUT THEM ON YOURSELF!!! Youll probably put them in the wrong places. Good luck!

Re:    00:38 on Thursday, September 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Those are the strangest fingerings, except for the second line. On the other three lines, the fingerings, numbers or notes and screwy. The first line has notes too low for the cello, the third line has number 7 for a fingering. Do we have seven fingers maybe three pinkys, no, HA! It does seem to be take about fingerings for the thumb. Zero for the thumb, one for index, two for middle, three for ring and four for pings finger. For a thumb fingering there should be a line connected to the zero pointing down, kind of like a balloon with a string attached to it, like a capital Q, but with the line pointed south at 6:00 instead of south-east at 5:00.

Re:    00:42 on Thursday, September 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Those are the strangest fingerings, except for the second line. On the other three lines, the fingerings, numbers or notes are screwy. The first line has notes too low for the cello, the third line has number 7 for a fingering. Do we have seven fingers maybe three pinkys, no, HA! It does seem to be talking about fingerings for the thumb. Zero for the thumb, one for index, two for middle, three for ring and four for pings finger. For a thumb fingering there should be a line connected to the zero pointing down, kind of like a balloon with a string attached to it, like a capital Q, but with the line pointed south at 6:00 instead of south-east at 5:00.

Re:    00:49 on Thursday, September 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

There is not enough info for me to even look at it. So far, Cellos arent usually that cheap of a price to be new so it has to be cheap in quality and probably machine made. Ha, forget about the sound, I would be worrying if it was going to fall apart.

Re:    19:46 on Sunday, September 18, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I don`t know anything about the cello you are refering to but I bought this one from them.
It has pretty good tone for a beginner but as already has been said the quality of workmanship leaves something to be desired when the price is this low. What are your plans? Are you wanting a cello that will last the rest of your life or are you just trying it to see if that is what you want to do? A cello of this quality will have to be replaced in the near future. To get a quality instrument that will last and sound good don`t look at any under $3000. But if you want a beginners cello to be replaced when you get better I recommend the one I got. I did have a small amout of trouble but they let me take it to a local Luthier to be repaired and they paid for it. The bow they sent was also wrong which they replaced.
The numbers on the staff you showed refer to the fingerings but your teacher might recommend different. Some of them are not for the cello on that sheet. I strongly recommend you not try to teach yourself the cello.
Also I recommend a little more patience when asking questions on any forum as it probably will take a little longer than instantly to get an answer. Don`t assume that no one knows anything just because you don`t get an answer as quickly as you would like. Also remember they don`t have to give you an answer at all. This is strictly voluntary and most people that gather at these forums are more than willing to help anyone. It just might take a few days.

Re:    00:24 on Sunday, September 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I suggest if you dont want to go take lessons you go to the cello academy website, they have videos and everything, dosent cost too much, quite neat.


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