Do the skills from violin playing translate well from violin to cello

Do the skills from violin playing translate well from violin to cello    10:36 on Tuesday, January 1, 2008          

(2 points)
Posted by Strangelove

When i was about 13 i played the violin for a while probably over a year i can't remember, i really enjoyed it but the main thing that really put me off the instrument was the playing position, it gave me a really sore neck and it really discouraged me from practicing.

I am now 21 and 6' 6" tall, when recently considering trying the violin again i thought maybe what with my size and issue with the play position maybe i should try the cello.

So as i stated in the subject line, Do the skills translate well (if i can even remember them that is! it has been a long time since i last set down my violin bow)? i would assume they would but that may be one of those bad assumptions everyone makes. Also another assumption is the cello a good instrument for a large guy like myself?
Thanks in advance

Re: Do the skills from violin playing translate well from violin to cello    11:05 on Tuesday, January 1, 2008          

(28 points)
Posted by smoon825

I was just like you. When I was 12 I got a violin and played that. But when I turned 13 I got a cello (Im very musically inclined). Of course, having played two string instruments, it DOES help, because you know the nature and fundementals of string instruments. However, my cello teacher tells me that I have some bad cello habits caused by playing violin,such as my left hand twisting/rotating, and a different bow grip. So there are pros and cons, but you WILL enjoy the cello very much, you just really need to work on the very basics strictly, and you will do great.

And size does not matter whatsoever for instruments. I know many short cellists, and many tall violinists. I mean, half the great violinists are very large men, and many great cellists are more petit woman.

Re: Do the skills from violin playing translate well from violin to cello    13:27 on Tuesday, January 1, 2008          

(2 points)
Posted by Strangelove

Thanks for the reply, i think i probably shall. My next question is that i have been looking around on eBay for second hand instruments and could someone either give their opinion (which i imagine will be hard to do without knowing more details) on, or give me some questions to ask the seller to help determine, whether this would be a good price for such an instrument? (assuming the bidding doesn't go too high as that is just the reserve, it would be much appreciated because i am having trouble knowing where to begin.


i can't believe i didn't provide the link, put it down to being tired from the new years festivities :P


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