MusicDish TV: Bethany & Rufus "If I Had My Way" (Spirit of Woodstock)

MusicDish TV: Bethany & Rufus "If I Had My Way" (Spirit of Woodstock)    12:17 on Monday, December 22, 2008          

(7 points)
Posted by bwsmile

MusicDishTV: Bethany & Rufus - If I Had My Way (Spirit of Woodstock)

Excerpt from Peter, Bethany & Rufus: The Spirit of Woodstock (2008). Bethany Yarrow and Rufus Cappadocia play with "Bonga" Jean Baptiste (percussion) and Sheila Anozier (dance). Throw down dancing to a Rev. Gary Davis classic.

Watch it now...

"'If I Had My Way' relies more on the influence of roots music than some of Bethany & Rufus’ other songs, giving it a faster, dance-tinged vibe. It’s an interesting retelling of the age-old Samson and Delilah story, bringing personal choice into the saga. The beat of the song speeds up to effectively match and emphasize the pace of the story, culminating in grooving drum solos, interspersed with Bethany’s smooth voice." - MusicDishTV

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