Looking for first Cello

Looking for first Cello    14:42 on Monday, December 29, 2008          

(9 points)
Posted by Bassoviolin

I have been learning how to play violin for a while now, just to have some sort of string experience, before i go into cello. I would like to know what kind of cello is a good beginners, and i would as well like to know if anyone knows of any good cello beginner books

Re: Looking for first Cello    20:41 on Wednesday, January 14, 2009          

(6 points)
Posted by adamgram

Hey man, I'm no expert at all, but I just got one and I can tell you what I learned in the process: There's a lot of talk about country of origin, it seems to be more important than brand name with cellos. Obviously, the best come from Europe and the cheapest come from China. I ended up getting a Chinese one, which, from what I learned while looking, is really your only option for under $500. From what I saw in the $200-$700 range your options are either a well made Chinese instrument or a beat up lower end European model. There seem to be two schools of camp I encountered along the way: those that say anything under $1000 is a toy and that no good instrument comes from china (and who probably went to private school and never learned where money comes from), and those whose advice I followed: play as many as you can, and get what feels best to you.


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