Re: Is 16 too late to start learning cello?

Re: Is 16 too late to start learning cello?    23:16 on Thursday, April 15, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


i started to learn piano when i was 16...

that was 6 months ago...

so its not too late coz there are ppl learning instruments later than you!

im a flautist btw
but i love the double bass...but its too large!! *dies*

Re: Is 16 too late to start learning cello?    17:21 on Wednesday, April 28, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hell yer it will take you so long don`t bother girlfriend

Re: Is 16 too late to start learning cello?    21:42 on Saturday, May 29, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I think if you turn that dream into a goal...& step it up with lots of practice, discipline, & can accomplish just about anything.
Certainly the cello is a worthy & very attainable goal. Your desire will determine your success...which will trickle down to how well you learn in your lessons, etc.
I think that all that is required is a willing attitude, an open mind, & to assume that you find yourself "teachable".
My daughters both play is 16...she has been playing for about 4 years...but because of inferior teaching (which finding just the right teacher--is the key) she now has to unlearn bad habits, etc.
But she is determined to do it. She practices twice a day & does that 6 days a week. She has to put some of the things that she has learned aside...and has had to learn to open her be "teachable".
It takes more than just wanting it...but that burning desire can will pay off in so many other areas. She wants to keep at it, although she is frustrated at times.
*** Good for you! You can do it & it is obvious that you are down to earth about it since you asked that question. Yet don`t let the nay-sayers of the world dampen your spirit. If you feel it`s for the heart out of your cello!!!

Re: Is 16 too late to start learning cello?    17:10 on Wednesday, June 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

It`s never too late... I had a friend who began to study violin at 16 and at 22 he won audition to Julliard School!

Just start and enjoy the music.

My best wishes,

Re: Is 16 too late to start learning cello?    19:06 on Thursday, March 2, 2006          


NO! I play cello flute some clarinet and piano and i isnt that hard. Cello isnt that hard to learn and once u strt it is soooooooo easy! TRY IT!

Better late than never!!    19:32 on Thursday, March 2, 2006          


I say no. Cello rocks, it's sooooo cool to play that low "C" string. But, I'm younger than you are and just started this year. And I play piano and sing. So... If you count singing as an instrument, I take THREE. It's great fun to play cello!! Do what you want. Good luck!! =D


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