String Bending

String Bending    17:28 on Thursday, April 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Does anyone know if there is a RIGHT way to bend a string, and if so
is there a WRONG way?


Re: String Bending    18:08 on Thursday, April 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i was goin to explain how to bend, but its hard to put into words. this site even has video examples, kinda funny to see...

so tips;
1. its easier to bend with superlight strings.
2. easier with a low action. (where strings are closer to fretboard.)
3. u dont want to over bend. u bend just enough to mimic one note higher. sounds better.
4. practice

Re: String Bending    18:44 on Thursday, April 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Thanks alot!


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