how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?

how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?    20:18 on Thursday, September 13, 2007          

(13 points)
Posted by achie

I was just curious how can everybody play a song just by hearing a song ? Well, maybe it's need a talent . But I still can't understand . I've been playing piano for a several years, but I just can play it with sheet music . . Without sheet music ? I can't play piano !

I always want to know how can somebody play a song just by listening to that song !

Re: how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?    02:48 on Friday, September 14, 2007          

(241 points)
Posted by Mozarteress

You can't play the song competly but if you're familiar enough with the notes on the piano when you hear them in a song you can find them on the keyboard. Generally you find the main theme of the song first and then add in bits of your own till it sounds right. Try and see if you can play baa baa black sheep on the piano without sheet music. you probably can just have never tried. Sing the song to yourself first then start at the beginning and find the first note and so on. It's very easy and practice will make you very good at it. hopw this helps!

Re: how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?    06:43 on Saturday, September 15, 2007          

(1 point)
Posted by caspermedion

Hi, I came from a guitar background. My limit is key on the Piano. I can play well in G D and C but thats aboout it! If you can get the basic chords, its a great start.
Baa Baa black sheep, for instance in G - play Bass G then BDG, Thats the chord. Now on 'black' play Bmin 7th or Bass B with F sharp A D. On 'any' play C chord, CGCE on 'Wool' - try two chords Bmin7 then Emin7 (BADFsharp and EBDG) try the rest yourself and thing chords first. If you can hear harmony it helps.
Good Luck and if you've any idea on how to progress off G D and C let me know - I think Practice is the Key!

Re: how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?    09:34 on Saturday, September 15, 2007          

(426 points)
Posted by MusicRawks

Well, let me tell you,
I don't really have that talent.
I have been playing piano for serveral years as well, and the skill has never come to me.
But I have been trying to learn what the notes sound likes.
For example, if someone played middle c and then a d, I can tell the difference.
But thats a start.
(sorry my help is kind of lame)

MAKSIM PIANO TABS PLEASE    11:20 on Saturday, September 15, 2007          

(7 points)


good evening to all ! im just a new member on this site, i'm looking for piano tabs for "CROATIAN RHAPSODY by MAKSIM" , "EXODUS by MAKSIM", and "VICTORY by BOND".

i already tried searching at but they dont have it, i'll be using those songs for our marching band, maybe someone here would be kind enough to help me, my e-mail add is and

hope someone could help me... thanks in advance.

Re: how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?    11:31 on Saturday, September 15, 2007          

(22 points)
Posted by mhsportsfan923

the only reason that i can do it is because i match the pitches that i hear and play them.
its not really a talent its what you hear

Re: how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?    12:45 on Sunday, September 16, 2007          

(54 points)
Posted by pianoplayer_02

i always have had an ear for music,it's a gift from God. it comes naturally

Re: how can everybody play just by hearing a song ?    22:36 on Tuesday, September 18, 2007          

(56 points)
Posted by agent3x

Some people are born with this natural ability (perfect pitch) to recognize any note; some can even tell how sharp or flat it is to the nearest hundredth! The rest of us who aren't so lucky have to use little tricks, like remembering songs that start with a certain note and then recognizing the note by remembering the song. Or you can learn to recognize intervals; you can get a lot of songs this way, but you might be in a different key. It just takes a LOT of practice.


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