
Interesting...    13:33 on Sunday, June 29, 2008          

(8 points)
Posted by Farore

Now, i know pianos get out of tune and why and I've heard some pretty interesting pianos. But..

There's an upright piano in school, whom we've named George, that has a C sounding like a B, but it doesn't continue the scale. For example it would go (higher) C B A G F E D B B A G and so on. How does that happen with only one note?

My upright grand player piano, which is 100 years old, is not in the key of C. It's a complete half step off-key and the piano tuner said that if we tried to fix it with 100-year-strings they would break or never stay. How expensive is it to replace strings like that?

Thank goodness I only have uber good relative pitch and not perfect.

Re: Interesting...    00:51 on Monday, June 30, 2008          

(4 points)
Posted by M-K

piano is not such old instrument like others. I have read that in first piano Des and Cis were different key.

p.s. sory if my english is very bad.


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