
Hanon    15:48 on Wednesday, May 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Do you think Hanon does help to get good in thechnic? How long should study Hanon ever day? Which topics and numbers shuld be studyed specialy and are the most helpful? Are there ather things then Hanon?


Re: Hanon    18:49 on Wednesday, May 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Practicing those exercises will definitely help. Everyone can benefit from Hanon`s "Virtuoso Pianist" and Czerny`s "The School of Velocity". They`re great for developing finger strength (especially in the left hand, and the weakest fingers - usually being the 3rd and 4th) and advancing your skills technically. Every exercise in the book is useful, however, exercises 39, 40, and 41 are indispensable. These deal with scales and arpeggios, and are important for every pianist to learn and have imbedded into their memory.


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