
drumline    16:22 on Friday, December 5, 2003          
(Eric Bailey)
Posted by Archived posts

i dont know if anyone is still talking in this or about this but im a new snare drummer and i want some of the things played on drumline!!

i want it    21:25 on Sunday, December 7, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

If anyone haves the music from drumline I would love to have any of it. My email address is dothedew06@hotmail.com

correction    21:26 on Sunday, December 7, 2003          
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Re: Drumline the Movie    19:50 on Monday, December 8, 2003          
(White Drummer)
Posted by Archived posts

Its all fairly, easy. You just have to listen to it, and you can easily figure it out. We use it now, yesterday we had a drum challenge the response was big. Just open your ears and figure it out, if your good enough you can play by ear.

Re: Drumline the Movie    01:29 on Tuesday, December 9, 2003          
(Marching God)
Posted by Archived posts

Drumline the movie is the biggest piece of crap i have ever seen. Who the crap marches that prace step mid-west crap anyway. If you want to see some actual marching go to dci.org and see how its really done. "WORD"

drumline    01:37 on Tuesday, December 9, 2003          
(Marching God)
Posted by Archived posts

*prance ( i can play i just havent mastered spelling)

Agreed    08:33 on Thursday, December 11, 2003          
(White Drummer)
Posted by Archived posts

I agree, My percussion instructor was with the Cavaliers bottom base 2001. We play both styles of "cadences" I would rather play traditional style cadences, but for fun, while at parades. Its good to have some good cadences together to take on those show style drumlines that think they can take on a Core style drumline.

Re: Drumline the Movie    10:39 on Saturday, December 13, 2003          
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To Claudio,
Back sticking is simple. Mostly done on the accent notes. Easier to do if holding sticks in match position. Harder if holding traditional. It just takes practice. Am an Percussion instructor at our local high school and am teaching my guys and girls to do it.

Re: Drumline the Movie    10:51 on Saturday, December 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

If you ask me there were alot of foul ups in the movie drumline. Alot of out of stepping, and alot of out of sync moves. In the drum war between Morris Brown and A&T: Morris Brown should have walked away with the title. Why? Their sticking was phenominal, They didnt do all of this running around, they did a technical show. What they dont tell the non musical audience is this: judges dont care for the "running around like a chicken with its head cut off" idea. Judges, especially those on the field, judge you on sticking, stepping, and sync. Now I am from the old school and was section leader from my freshman yr. in highschool to my senior yr. in high school. We took best percussion in the State contest here in Indiana for 3 of those 4 yrs.

Yea    05:16 on Monday, December 15, 2003          
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There aren`t only 40 rudiments you dumbass. Ever heard of hybrids. Anyways ignore that little 7th grader, it`s obvious he`s a little kid. Just wait till he gets to college or drum core and they shut his "i`m a baddass" attitude the f` up. Oh and yea, that movie was an embarassment to real drummers. Maybe not show bands like on the west coast.

drumline sheet music    23:28 on Monday, December 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

can some one please send me all or some of the song parts plz

drumline sheet music    23:28 on Monday, December 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

can some one please send me all or some of the song parts plz

Re: Drumline the Movie    10:07 on Tuesday, December 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Anybody have the sheet music to the Spider Cadence??? It would be greatly appreciated... Also, I know everyone is wanting the sheet music to the drum cadences to drumline. Especially the battle. I have a friend who is an instructor for a drum and bugle corp, he is going to be writing these out for me and I should have them in a few weeks. I will tell you all this: He said that they are not as easy as they sound and they are very complicated. Once I have these in my hands I will scan them and post them.

Help please.    17:03 on Tuesday, December 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been looking for the cadences for this movie for a while. If you find any of them send them to drummerd3@yahoo.com Ty.

What a real drumline is    19:09 on Tuesday, December 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey just to let you guys know DCI is where it is at. I am in a Winter Corp drumline and i am in highschool band and i guarantee doing that will make you a million times better than learning things from drumline


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