How many hours a day should i practous alto saxophone

How many hours a day should i practous alto saxophone    00:24 on Monday, March 19, 2007          

(61 points)
Posted by matchbox128

hey how many houres a day should i practis saxophone

Re: How many hours a day should i practous alto saxophone    21:22 on Tuesday, March 20, 2007          

(180 points)
Posted by cjbass

That depends on the level you are playing at. If your in High school at least an hour a day. In college a minimum of 3 hours a day, and if your going into a master of performance, 5 or more I know it is crazy but that is just the way it is. These practice times do not include your band times either, this is just straight practice.

Re: How many hours a day should i practous alto saxophone    03:41 on Wednesday, March 21, 2007          

(61 points)
Posted by matchbox128

kool thanks i practes at least 2- 21/2 hours a day any way n im a beginer well kinda lol


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