Overtones/Notes Above High F

Overtones/Notes Above High F    10:51 on Monday, April 9, 2007          

(534 points)
Posted by tenorsax13

Can Someone PLEASE help me w/ the extremely high notes. I need to know fingerings, notes, and just plain how to play them! Its been killing me for months, my instructor refuses to tell me, and i need some outside info. Anybody, im begging for an explanation.

Re: Overtones/Notes Above High F    13:53 on Monday, April 9, 2007          

(14 points)
Posted by asound777

...i already posted a topic about this but i guess we'll use yours. I just started learning notes above high F (called "altissimo notes) myself. http://www.wfg.woodwind.org/sax/sax_alt_4.html
This is a good site for fingerings,fallow the advice in the desciption column, they now what they're talking about.
Overtones are good practice for altissimo. I would suggest doing some research and buying an overtone lesson book, as I plan to do myself. For now, I can tell you the idea is not to use pressure from your ombisure(spelling??)but to use the tightening of your throat and vocal chords to produce overtones and altissimo.
Good luck .
Good luck .

Re: Overtones/Notes Above High F    14:36 on Monday, April 9, 2007          

(534 points)
Posted by tenorsax13

Thanks! Those fingering charts help a lot. I can do Bb too.
Good luck to you too!


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