Maybe it is the cause of my headaches....etc.. What is your opinion?

Maybe it is the cause of my headaches....etc.. What is your opinion?    21:56 on Sunday, September 9, 2007          

(10 points)
Posted by Romanflutico

Please tell me what is on ur mind when playing instruments.
Usually when I read notes and play instrmt, I sing the notes mentally and at same time my fingers press the keys. Then, before our band practice ends I can feel my head aching(sometimes mild).
Lately i realized singing notes makes me slower in reading and playing and have mistakes coz i have to get the right pitch/sing mentally at same time pressing the keys, and i verymuch used to it, very hard to break that habit.
I wear eyeglasses all the time (my doc says my astigmatism is permanent coz i didnot consulted earlier when i was a child).
What is ur opinion,? Do u experience this bad habit on playing? thanks.

Re: Maybe it is the cause of my headaches....etc.. What is your opinion?    20:21 on Monday, September 10, 2007          


Ok, I'll give this a try:

First of all, have you played the French horn before?? When I briefly tried it, I was told to sing the notes in my head it will help make the notes come out. If you haven't tried the French horn yet, maybe go to your local music store and see if you can just try one out. I'm curious to see what would happen...

Anywho, are you perhaps blowing too hard?? When you sing the notes, are "singing" those notes into the sax?? This might be part of the reason why your head hurts...

Is your presciption on your glasses accurate?? Sometimes if my perscription for my contact lenses aren't high enough, it makes my head hurt.

Are any of your pads on the sax leaking??

Hope this helps!!

P.S. But seriously, try the French horn idea...

Re: Maybe it is the cause of my headaches....etc.. What is your opinion?    18:27 on Monday, October 22, 2007          

(49 points)
Posted by saxman13

Yeah i think that if you can sing the notes like that you should try the French Horn cause you would be great at it! Also to help your' sax skills dont really try to sing the notes but think the rythm or melody thats what i do and the notes come quickly to my head and i can play alot faster. Especially when its a cool or simple rythm like Star Wars or something just think the melody and the notes can naturally come to you


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