Cannonball Sax

Cannonball Sax    23:42 on Monday, October 6, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m looking for a good sax for my son, who`s been playing a rental now for three years. Someone recommended a Cannonball sax. Has anyone ever played or owned one of these????

Re: Cannonball Sax    11:45 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Either they are very nice, or not good....i can`t remember, look into yanagisawa.

Re: Cannonball Sax    15:40 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i have yanagisawa but yamaha are also good esp for student which as far as i know yanagisawa don`t do

Re: Cannonball Sax    16:38 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Take him to a music store, get him to try as many saxophones as possible, tell him to choose his favourite. You can take recommendations first, of course, and it is a good idea to do this, but every musician looks for different things in an instrument. Every musician is different and I think you should just buy him the sax that he likes, not the saxophones that everyone on this forum likes.

Re: Cannonball Sax    10:18 on Saturday, October 11, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

o my god. ok do NOT GET A CANNONBALL they really are CHEAPY dont get a JUPTIER THEY ARE CHEAPY the main ones u want to get are the yamaha or the selmer. both are very good for your son dont get him a cheapy one please.

Cannonball Sax, good choice    20:03 on Monday, February 6, 2006          

(9 points)
Posted by CBman

I am a student and have owned a yamaha for 5 years now. I played a cannonball unlaquered finish at the music store this weekend and fell in love. it really all is about preference i guess, b/c i favored the CB over my current yamaha and just recently purchased a CB!!(cannonball)

Re: Cannonball Sax    16:21 on Tuesday, February 7, 2006          

(102 points)
Posted by Wildband

THe four main brands you can trust are Keilwerth, Selmer, Yamaha, and Yangisawa. Those are the biggest, most poplar companys.

Of course that doens`t leave out cannonballs, like said above, it`s personal preference. There are some brands, such as the ones on ebay (advetising goes like "85%OFF!!!!! INSTRUCTOR APPROVED!!!!!) that you should avoid if possible.

Personly, I like keilwerth and selmer the best, but thats just me. Whatever floats your boat.


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