Help please - note coming out in the wrong register - tell me I`m not going mad

Help please - note coming out in the wrong register - tell me I`m not going mad    14:11 on Sunday, February 3, 2019          

(2 points)
Posted by JaneJB

Hi, I've been playing for over 10 years, just for my own enjoyment with lessons every couple of months; I still consider myself a beginner.Just in the last 6 months, out of the blue I'm struggling with my top D & sometimes top G. They come out a shrill octave higher. I have no control over when it happens & the notes either side are fine. Some sessions are fine & then it will happen & I can't get back to an upper register note although can play a low D etc. Then it'll be Ok again & not happen any more that session. I've tried blowing 'up' & 'down' on to the reed. Sometime taking the reed off & putting it back will fix it. Sounds so stupid but it's driving me mad. My teacher said it was my breath or my embouchure (?) but has no real answer. Sax played fine for her. She's mentioned me joining her band...but not if I don't know what's coming out...any ideas?

Re: Help please - note coming out in the wrong register - tell me I`m not going mad    14:37 on Tuesday, April 16, 2019          

(2 points)
Posted by fantazi

Hey. I know the feeling, and it happens to me too! But it would help a lot if you said what type of sax you play? Because I used to play alto (9 years), and now I have played only soprano for 1 year. My experience is that the soprano is way more sensitive to the way you use your breath, and the low notes are especially hard, to make them stay in their right octave. Try loosen your bite/your mouth position, that can make it easier and make the tones a little less "forced". Maybe also try a new mouth piece if nothing seems to help.

Re: Help please - note coming out in the wrong register - tell me I`m not going mad    15:09 on Tuesday, April 16, 2019          

(2 points)
Posted by JaneJB

Hi, thanks so much for an encouraging post. I play alto sax. Thought it might be bite/embouchure related, at least that's hopefully fixable.

Re: Help please - note coming out in the wrong register - tell me I`m not going mad    21:29 on Thursday, July 4, 2019          

(2 points)
Posted by rinotirri

hi buddy, could you tell me what would be the dificulty of this sax theme?


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