more challenging music

more challenging music    22:54 on Saturday, May 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I totally agree with Jen!

Anyway, I`ve got some suggestions for all you junior highers (middle schoolers) who are bored out of their skulls in band class.

- Take some private lessons. It is infinitely better to learn the sax from someone who plays it professionally. Plus, as you advance further and further in your playing, your teacher will actually give you more challenging music.

- I find that band holds me back in my playing, and it has ever since grade 7. If you want a more enriching concert band experience, then look up some summer music camps. I have been going to one for the past 4 years, and believe me, it is worth it.

- If you feel you are up to it, you can also audition for your provincial honour band (all state band). I have already done this once, and it is also a very good experience.

I recently made up an analogy for school bands. There are basically two kinds of people in them; band students and musicians. This works for all other fine arts programs, too. Drama students and actors, art students and artists, etc. The question is, what is the ratio of one to the other at your school?


Re: music    07:05 on Tuesday, May 31, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

our jazz band has died this year... so i left it.. there was serious balance problems and quality of music as well as the level- for amature musos the music was way too hard for the younger altos and tenors, and just sounded like a mush of notes, Jazz bands are great, if they`re balanced and the director selects pieces that are appropriate for the levels of the musicians.

saxophone    11:12 on Friday, June 17, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I play alto sax and the music is to easy.But my skills are composing. If you want to make music at your level go (if you need help email me)


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