RECORDER SONGZ!!!!!!    04:04 on Sunday, September 24, 2006          

(6 points)
Posted by je3van

hey... does any one have any good recorder songz ?

Re: RECORDER SONGZ!!!!!!    15:54 on Saturday, September 30, 2006          

(13 points)
Posted by Precursor187

Look up song by Rawlins Cross. However if you get MidiNotate Musician or MidiNotate Composer than you can download songs in midi format and run either program that will display the song in sheet music. It even distinguishes between the different instraments with good midi's. It's best to play the "Melody" line.

Re: RECORDER SONGZ!!!!!!    21:46 on Friday, October 20, 2006          

(83 points)
Posted by Florentin

The best thing to do is spend $5-$10 for a recorder book. This way you can learn tons of songs for just a few bucks.

A great example is "Fun With The Recorder" by Mel Bay.

You can do an search and find many recorder books.

also, check out my recorder forum at

good luck to you


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