Both the Ends are hard to compose??

Both the Ends are hard to compose??    05:09 on Friday, December 19, 2008          

(6 points)
Posted by Ruhi_sheikh

Hello everyone,

The toughest part in making a composition is to make a good start and then end it well. Trust me this task becomes sucking sometimes. Can anyone assist me of how to go for an effective way that composes it well.

Ruhi Sheikh
Music Reviewer

Re: Both the Ends are hard to compose??    17:37 on Sunday, January 25, 2009          

(80 points)
Posted by Edski

Lately my main aim is to take a theme and expand it into a verse/chorus/bridge form. For introductions I'll often use a stripped down version of the main melody, subtacting either harmonic depth or some melodic motif. Often for an end I'll take one of the thematic motifs and repeat it a few times, sometimes concluding with another one of the motifs from the piece.

I have somewhat the opposite problem - I often find myself searching for a bridge, and sometimes I'll have an idea that manifests itself differently on the guitar and piano. Eventually I settle on an arrangement, but when that happens I just let each instrument state it's case on where the song is going!


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