Re: french horn comparisons.

Re: french horn comparisons.    12:28 on Wednesday, January 16, 2008          

(3 points)
Posted by germanhorn

Oh, didn't realize you could still get it that cheap. I saw the 801 on the Music Expo in Friedrichshafen in October for 3700€ (the gold brass with detachable bell, costs 2700€ at I paid 2200€ for mine 5 years ago.

The 801s are really good horns, about every advanced student here in South Germany plays one. Compared to a Jupiter or particulary a Roy Benson (the one I played recently had an intonation so bad I couldn't believe someone would actually pasy 1500€ for it) it's nearly a professional horn. The difference to a Alexander 103 (I played some time on my teacher's one) though is still enourmous. Sound and Accuracy are in another league.


Edit: I mean the sound and accuracy of the 103 is in another league.

Re: french horn comparisons.    01:35 on Friday, January 18, 2008          

(6 points)
Posted by a4711

@germanhorn: this is really funny. I am currently playing a Roy Benson (F-Horn, HR 302). You are right intonation could be better. As I said, sometime in the future, the Hoyer 801 will be mine.

Kind regards,


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