double tonguing

double tonguing    17:39 on Monday, October 13, 2008          

(10 points)
Posted by Hornet

I just got into the youth symphony and the music is much faster then i am used to playing. I can't tongue any of the fast parts. i need some advise on how to get so i can play really fast.

Re: double tonguing    09:57 on Tuesday, October 14, 2008          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

First Suggestion:

Pay attention to your tonguing. Right now when you tongue are you pushing your tongue forward towards your teeth? If so try thinking about pulling the tongue away from the teeth. If you think about pulling the tongue away your tongue will go forward on its own.

Think about martial arts. Let your tongue go to your teeth, but only as much as needed and pull it away. You only need to interrupt the air stream, you don't need to chop the airstream off. Obviously try this slowly at first and then work up one metronome notch at a time.


Oh, this is for single tonguing. You might not need double tonguing.
If you do need to double tongue there are lots of suggestions here already, just do a search.


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